5점중 5점 받음

I see that in Version 5.0 the prompt to allow a move had to be removed. That was what really made the extension great. Would it be possible to update the extension so that you could hold down a key (Ctrl or Alt for example) and drag to allow the move so that we don't have to disable the extension in order to move a folder? That would make it much more convenient to use.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (5.0.0) 버전에 대한 것입니다. 

5점중 5점 받음

I just updated to version 4.9.0. l really like the new option to prompt to approve a move rather than blocking all moves. Thanks for adding this.

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (4.9.0) 버전에 대한 것입니다.