5점중 5점 받음

And another neat add in - it took me a bit of time to work it out (I'm a bit tech challenged!) but it is an awesome addition which lets a user add local folders to mailbox folders.

Now how does one donate to the creator - Christopher - ?

이 검토는 현재 부가 기능의 이전 (2.0.2) 버전에 대한 것입니다. 


Thank you for the very positive review. It deserves a thoughtful response:

Ironically LocalFolders is the reason I started working for the Thunderbird team
as a volunteer. I am actually not the original author, Philoux is. He allowed
me to take over the maintenance and development when he could not. Subsequently
I took over other extensions as well and joined the team to help out with extensions.
I am retired/disabled , but working to help Thunderbird and continue doing useful things.
Comments such as yours are very rewarding in and of themselves! I appreciate them immensely.
Since I am not doing this for money, Thunderbird can always use help to support the internal team.

Lastly: We(developers) never have enough documentation, mainly due to time constraints.
If there is anything specific that would help to let me know.

Happy New Year's!